Do You Need Armrests On Your Gaming Chair?

do you need armrests

Do you need armrests on office chairs or not – that is the question. And it’s not any trivia question but the most controversial dilemma of ergonomic assessments. So, just let’s look into what armrests are all about and whether you need armrests on a chair.

Does A Gaming Chair Or Office Chair Need Armrests?

Whether you’re touching up a workstation or gaming setup, a comfy chair remains the cornerstone of your endeavors. There is too much mystique surrounding the purchase of a perfect desk chair. However, it has one job: supporting your body during the hours of computer use.

Traditionally, armrests are hailed as a rescue from upper limb disorders. But now, some osteopathists consider them as the curse in disguise of a cure.

So what changed?

We’ll discuss both schools of thought to split fact from fiction and help you figure out whether you need armrests on a gaming chair.

Armrests: The Popular Opinion

The armrests attached to an office chair or a gaming chair provide much-needed support for your elbow in a seated posture. It bears the arm’s weight so that the shoulders stay neutral.

Otherwise, imagine the stress on your neck while keying or using a mouse – not a best-case scenario!

That’s why the Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturer Association (BIFMA), as well as Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) requirements, promote the use of chair armrests.

Also, in 2008, the Institute for Work and Health conducted a systematic review in Ontario to inspect the correlation between workplace interventions and upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders. They found arm support beneficial and suggested coupling it with ergonomic training.

All pro gamers love lumbar support and headrest cushions in their rocking bucket seats – and vivid colors, of course! But discord no sooner enters the chat than the infamous armrest. However, the majority attests to its significance for good posture.

Proven advantages of having armrests in your office chair or gaming chair

  • The first and foremost benefit is to get rid of upper limb disorders (aches in shoulders, forearm, hands, and wrist) associated with the prolonged company of computers.
  • This study validates that arm support can reduce muscle activity in the arms and upper back, allowing an optimum posture.
  • Many people lean on mouse pads due to the no-armrest trend in gaming chairs – this practice breeds wrist-related injuries.
  • On the other hand, armrests enable a healthy sitting position by dividing your body weight, tucking upper arms next to the torso, and easing lower back muscles.
  • They also facilitate users getting in and out of the chair since it cuts down the required hip force in half.

Armrests: The Possible Drawbacks

As there is no rose without a thorn, here’s a twist in the plot of armrests as well! The incredible gains of having them in a gaming or office chair depend on the positioning.

If you align your elbow with a neutral position of shoulders (at 90 degrees almost), well-placed arm support will lie just beneath the hinge joint.

Upper limbs and spinal curves rest naturally in this case, throwing ergonomic risks out of the equation. How wonderful, right?

No, because the optimal placement of armrests varies with the person sitting in the chair. And one-size-fits-all furniture in a workspace can’t do that.

The standard desk height is 29 inches/700mm. It is well-fitted for a 6-foot-tall person, and so is the complimentary chair. Meanwhile, many of us are not of this ideal standard size. When the armrest pads are above the elbows, a petite person or employee has to shrug the whole time.

The downsides of raised or depressed shoulders outweigh any reported benefits of armrests. It ultimately plagues a sedentary lifestyle with constant pain in the neck, arms, and shoulder.

Following are the few potential pitfalls of having armrests in your office chair or gaming chair.

  • Armrests are mostly leveled with the desk height, pushing you too far from the computer or making you perch on the chair.
  • Some people may have to flex away their arms to adjust to the broad distance between both pieces.
    Yet the greatest side effect of upholstered armrests is back and shoulder discomfort arising from awkward positions.
  • VDT users, such as gamers, prefer resting their forearms on the edge of the desk while wrist/arm aiming.
  • Professor Alan Hedge warns of flexor and ulnar nerve entrapment from the opposite side of the barricade.

4D adjustable armrests
4D adjustable armrests

Chair Ergonomics at a Crossroad

The pros and cons of chair armrests are equally valid. Where having them prevents occupational hazards, missing an appropriate fit will likely exacerbate the situation. Hence, some ergo-evaluators decided to exile them from office décor.

Isn’t it like dumping your toothbrush in fear of brushing too hard?

The optimal placement of armrests is the key. So, they should be multi-dimensional to tailor all individuals whilst allowing incremental movement. They should be closer to the chair’s back to resolve obstruction and interference issues.

Detachable support will benefit gaming chairs. Streaming enthusiasts must also consider the keyboard tray system and padded Morency rests.

  • Height Adjustable

As enunciated earlier, armrests ought to exist slightly underneath the elbow. The only possible way to accommodate many people is adjustable height.

Ergonomically designed office chairs – and some gaming chairs too – come with a button or trigger. Armrests can slide up and down to fit an ideal point as you push it.

Don’t forget to set both sides at the same height.

  • Width/Pivot Adjustable

Another critical feature for optimal positioning is the width and pivot adjustment of armrests. Besides moving up and down, they should swivel inwards and outwards as well.

If you can pivot the armrest in the middle and slide it sideways, it will eventually conform to your side of the body, making arm abduction impossible.

Choosing office chairs or gaming chairs with 4D adjustable (four-way), stable armrests may be expensive but a worthwhile investment.

A Word of Caution

If the armrests are incorrectly adjusted or if they are constantly overloaded, it can also happen that the armrests break, start to wobble, or the adjustment mechanism malfunctions. Fortunately, the selection of armrest replacements is quite large, and replacing them is also done quickly.

Well-placed armrests inspire a productive and healthy environment. However, they should be used to rest the arms, not to hold the entire body weight.

There is no continuous need for armrests as long as you’re sitting in a good posture. You’ll be using them in rest breaks – when reading a document or lamenting the knockout.