
I got my first computer way back when we had to hook it up to the TV. It was a Commodore VIC 20 with 5 kB RAM. That was it!! The code was called BASIC, games or programs had to be loaded from a tape recorder, and every time the thing was turned off, everything was gone.

Computers have gone a long way since. Today I am an electrical engineer working with data transmission and networking. To relax and switch off from work I fiddle with computers and play computer games with my friends. We build our own gaming racks and experiment with accessories and gizmos.

Like most people, I spend most of my life sitting. The older I get, the more I appreciate a really good chair. Now I also know that it is never too early to sit in the best chair you can afford. Obviously, I’ve owned many chairs over the years, mostly office or desk chairs; Ten years ago there were no gaming chairs. I currently have an epic at my desk. Friends sit in AKracing chairs, Secretlab and DXRacer. Here you will find our opinion and experience with the different models to help you find the best gaming chair.

At the beginning of being a gamer, your office chair or sofa may do you just fine, it is all we had years ago when computers learned to walk. But the longer you sit totally cramped in the wrong kind of seat, your back, neck and your whole body begin to hurt.  With bodily discomfort, your gaming gets worse too.

Today, the enthusiastic gamer pays attention to perfect equipment. The best hardware, special mouse and keyboard, large monitor … But the gaming chair is a simple office chair?

There is a huge variety of gaming chairs with price tags from low to super expensive.

If you do have any questions please drop us an email…