Gaming Chair Smells Of Chemicals

gaming chair smells

Your new gaming chair has finally been delivered. But when you open the package, the first thing you notice is a nasty unpleasant chemical odor? A whole range of chemicals is used in the manufacture of chairs and furniture. Residues of these chemicals can mainly be hidden in the upholstery material and in the foam … Read more

How Environmentally Friendly Are Gaming Chairs?

Not so long ago, everything we used to buy would last almost a lifetime. Everything was durable, whether we talk about electronics, transportation (vehicles), homes, or furniture. You would have noticed that sofas, dining tables, beds, or other types of furniture would last decades, and generations after generation could use them. However, do you ever … Read more

Esports And Why Gaming Is Good For You

is gaming good for you

We are always reading articles or listening to interviews from experts telling us to reduce the screen time that we allow ourselves and children to have while been caught up in the latest game online. After all, in a pandemic, there isn’t much else to do but introduce yourself into the world of gaming as … Read more

How Safe Are Gaming Chairs?

Most of us are aware of how keeping a good posture during prolonged gaming sessions is good for your back. Using the right gaming chair can ensure that you won’t suffer back problems in the long or short term. When it comes to considering whether gaming chairs are safe or not, this is often the … Read more

Are Gaming Chairs More Comfortable Than Regular Office Chairs

Are Gaming Chairs More Comfortable

Well, the question of whether gaming chairs are really more comfortable than office chairs seems to be an endless debate. Gaming chair fans are convinced that gaming chairs are better than office chairs, at least as long as the purchase price of both is about the same. However, office chair specialists consider gaming chairs to … Read more

What Is An Ergonomic Workspace And What Are Its Benefits

ergonomic gaming station

In an ergonomic computer workplace, desk, chair, monitor, keyboard placements, and workplace considerations such as room temperature, light, and noise level, are optimized and adaptable to human needs. Adaptation of working conditions to the human and not vice versa, minimize work-related stress as much as possible to improve well-being, health, and work performance. Most people … Read more

What Is Lumbar Support In A Chair?

The lumbar support of a chair is an external pillow or a feature embedded in the backrest that allows the lower area of the chair’s backrest to be adjusted to the back of the user. By supporting and stabilizing the lumbar spine, it ensures an upright and ergonomically correct sitting posture. This benefits the entire … Read more

How to Remedy Bad Computer Posture

How to Remedy Bad Computer Posture

Bad computer posture and monotonous back-loading can be the cause for neck and back strain or worse. With simple measures, one can effectively prevent painful discomfort when sitting in front of a computer? How to Remedy Bad Computer Posture Do you have bad computer posture? Many people do and don’t even know it. If you’re … Read more

Can You Get Sick From Playing Video Games?

can you get sick from playing video games

Video games are always under criticism. There are many prejudices, for example, video games make gaming enthusiasts aggressive, some even blame video games be the reason for shooting massacres or other crazy things.  All nonsense I think, and so far little is scientifically proven about the negative effects of video games. To date, too few … Read more

How To Adjust And How To Sit In A Gaming Chair

sit in a gaming chair

Have you taken the time to study your new gaming chair with all its functions and actually adjusted it to your needs? A good gaming chair or office chair can only fulfill its purpose if it is used correctly. Prior to use, individual height adjustment of chair and desk must be done, to allow a … Read more